Part 50 - The Witcher 3 - 2nd playthrough - Death March

This session I just completed the Master Armorers quest to gain access to the services of Yoana, the master armorer from Skellige who now lives in Crow's Perch. She asked me to get her special tools from Undvik, so I had to come back to this horrifying place Geralt had aptly called "the giant's pantry."

It seems like I am chatting with this sitting troll, but it is in fact already dead... I had to kill it to get access to the tools.

Back in Crow's Perch, I gave Yoana the tools just in time before this Nilfgaardian commander ordered new armor for himself.

Yoana is just an assistant to the dwarf armorer, but she knows she is better than him, so she wants to create her own armor to prove hers will be stronger.

She sent me off to get archgriffin acid as soaking armor in acid apparently make it withstand piercing damage.

Ursine armor looks great in the wind. :)

I killed the beast and brewed the Archgriffin decoction using its mutagen.

Just a little deer hunt before returning to Yoana with the acid.

Of course her armor was better than that little prick dwarf's. She is now my very own personal master armor maker. :)


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