Part 49 - The Witcher 3 - 2nd playthrough - Death March

I'm doing some sidequesting in Velen. Lord of the Wood is a witcher contract issued by a tree logger halfling whose dwarf employees have been massacred by some monster in the woods. Geralt finds that the monster must be a leshen.

Meet Kernun.

This was an enjoyable battle, not too easy, not frustrating either.

I managed it even while taking photos for this blog. :)

Next I went back to the great city of Novigrad to help this master swordsmith elf. His name is Éibhear Hattori.

His quest is bugged, and I ran into two of the bugs, but luckily both were fixable. First, he got stuck here and would only say "What now?" when I tried to interact with him. When I continued running around the corner, he didn't follow, however, a cutscene started anyway, and the quest moved on.

Later when he locked himself in his shop, there was no way to talk to him. I couldn't knock on his door or enter. To solve this, I had to climb on the roof and jump in a window, go downstairs and then a cutscene started with me outside knocking on the door...

This is a long quest in which we have to get rid of thugs controlling Novigrad's swordsmithing market so that Éibhear can work as a swordsmith again. Currently, he is making a living selling dumplings. Tasty ones, but his passion is making swords.

I was happy to help him, not least because he is the only one in the game skilled enough to make top level witcher swords. I was also happy to be back in Novigrad for a little while. Each area of this game has a completely unique mood, and I love all of them equally.

One of the locations you need to visit during this quest is the Golden Sturgeon tavern where I wandered into Corinne Tilly's room. For some unknown reason, she is standing on a chair. Saw a mouse perhaps?

I also reached level 23 while doing this quest.

What a lovely spot for a candlelit dinner! Even if it overlooks a stinky fish market. :)

Once I ensured Éibhear's safety, he forged the Blade from the Bits for me, which is not nearly as great as he advertised it to be, but I will still use it for a while just to try how the 50% critical hit chance works.


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