Part 32 - The Witcher 3 - 2nd playthrough - Death March

Armor is for wusses! :D

I cleared some secondary quests this session, the first having been Patrol Gone Missing (lvl 7). I killed this wyvern, then went to collect my reward from the quartermaster at the Nilfgaardian military camp.

He paid me 50 coins, but I will make a lot more selling all the books I stole from him.

I also picked up and completed Blood Ties at the Nilfgaardian camp. A concerned mother asked me to find his red-haired son. I found him hung from a tree, his punishment for deserting. The mother didn't believe me, saying his son had never been a coward, but then I gave her his last letter. :(

After this depressing little story, I decided to complete the gwent quest Big City Players.

As it turned out, this elf merchant was the last player I had to defeat to complete this quest. I won the Ciri card from him! Maybe if his vision wasn't obstructed by ribbons, he could've concentrated more on the game...

Watching the sunset in underpants...

Watching the storm in underpants...

I'm near level 17 now, which means one more level to go until I can put some clothes on. :D

The last quest I did this session was the witcher contract called White Lady. Geralt heroically defeated a noonwraith in his underwear employing the same trick he used during the Jenny o' the Woods quest, which is running away every time the three minor wraiths appear. A bit tedious but very effective method.


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