Part 22 - The Witcher 3 - 2nd playthrough - Death March

Still at level 10, I wanted to wrap up level 11 and 12 side quests and contracts before returning to Crookback Bog. I chose Spooked Mare (lvl 12) to start with.

Getting distracted already by a sparkly pool of water.

This quest involves fighting multiple enemies at once, a pack of lvl 5 wolves and one lvl 8 warg, so I tested out my new Nightwraith decoction. ("Geralt’s maximum Vitality is increased with each foe killed. This increase lasts until he meditates or fast travels.") This poor wolf getting stuck on a tree made things even easier for me.

Not knowing any better, I jumped straight into the enclosure where the scoia'tael fighters promptly attacked me, so I had no choice but to kill them. Apparently, there would have been a way to speak with them. Since it was ages ago when I picked up this quest, I didn't remember which horse belonged to the peasant. My daughter was present when I played this, she liked the black horse, so I took it. Hint: It was a good idea as the peasant pays you more for a younger horse than if you bring him back his own older one.

Am I the only one who thinks drowners are cute? The way they run around in aimless circles on their little blue feet is just endearing.

Before starting the Swamp Thing contract, I stopped in Oxenfurt to get a shave, sell junk and buy food from my good friend and gwent partner Stjepan.

Meet Ignis Fatuus, the star of the Swamp Thing quest. He was an easy fight. I used Moon Dust bomb, Wraith decoction, Enhanced Thunderbolt potion and Quen sign.

The cave where Ignis Fatuus lived contained some exceptional loot such as a high level ursine sword diagram (I want to dress Geralt in ursine gear later) and the Enhanced Specter oil recipe.

I returned to Leslav, the quest giver, and agreed to wait a week for my payment with interest.

I had one more lvl 12 quest, a treasure hunt called The Things Men Do for Coin. With that one completed, I met up with the baron and his men in Downwarren, and we ventured to Crookback Bog.

The baron has just dropped the understatement of the 13th century...

I don't blame her.

Geralt: "I just need to insta this quickly, you go on and battle the fiend, but don't stand in the way!"

So Anna is now that ugly blue water hag. I'm at the point where I need to go find Johnny and ask for his help in lifting the curse from her.


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