Thank you, Guerilla Games

Burning Shores was, in one word, EPIC! It gave me the most epic fights I've had in any video game. The battle music in Pangea Park made me feel invincible. :)

The quest in Pangea Park was my favorite for another reason as well. It reminded me of another game's DLC that is close to my heart. Two girls living in a post-apocalyptic future, exploring a ruined temple of consumerism, making fun of their ancestors' customs and trying to make sense of them at the same time. I half expected them to find a photobooth, take funny selfies and wonder about what the internet could have been. :)

As Geralt names all his horses Roach, I name all my sunwings Sunny and all my waterwings Winny.

I've found a new piece of music to cry to, and I recorded my favorite moment from the whole game. To me, this moment is chock full of extreme and opposing emotions, Aloy the world savior's childish happiness over having completed a puzzle, the triumphal voice of the commentator sounding from a thousand years before, the backdrop of colorful ruins, and this music playing - it was too perfect.

So thank you, Guerilla Games. Thank you for giving us Aloy, for telling her story, and for that cute lesbian kiss. :))

Hours played: 32
