A brief return to Minecraft

After I finished playing the Legacy of Thieves Collection, I spent some time playing Minecraft. First alone, then my girlfriend watched me play so much she said she felt like playing in co-op again like we did 2 years ago. In many ways, Minecraft is the best videogame in the world. There are endless possibilities to play it. We usually just build a modest home, raise animals, spend our days mining or exploring the map, and this keeps us entertained for hours upon hours. In many ways, Minecraft is also the scariest game there is. Not scary like The Last of Us that terrified me so much I could only sleep with the lights on, of course. But while in most games, you lose nothing when you die except some of your time, because you have to retry a fight or watch a cutscene again, there is plenty to lose in Minecraft. We had to restart from zero many times after dying in some mob-infested cave, because by the time we went back to gather our treasures we dropped upon death, they had despawned. This is why I'm terrified of the dark in Minecraft, whether it be night or deep inside a cave. The unnerving sounds give me the creeps. And no video game enemy scares me more than Minecraft mobs, their movement silent, enabling them to sneak up on me undetected, with their faces staring at me emotionless like a psychopath's.

(I took some screenshots and will post them here when and if they appear on stupid OneDrive... Until then, I'm posting the above photo I took of the TV last night. We play Minecraft on Xbox, because I had bought the game before I bought our first PS.)


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