Part 15 - Assassin's Creed Valhalla - 1st Playthrough

This game is unnecessarily long, but as I still have no news about my PS5 that I ordered in January, I don't have anything better to do than to play it. :) After completing the Jorvik arc, I started the Eurvicscire arc then remembered that maybe I'm now strong enough to tackle a legendary animal. I went after the four easiest ones.
  • Black Shuck the wolf - an easy but annoying fight as the wolf keeps running around in a huge fighting area, took 1 try to kill
  • Elk of Bloody Peaks - very easy, took 1 try to kill
  • Beast of the Hills, a bear - hardest of these four, took 2 tries to kill
  • The Corpse Feeders, three wolves - a fun fight with 3 wolves that can heal when they feed on corpses, took 1 try to kill them
With these legendary beasts dealt with, I returned to Eurvicscire, completed that arc, and now I'm starting the Glowecestrescire arc.
