Dreams second reaction
I'm not one to start things and then leave them unfinished, so I've completed Art's Dream, the story mode of the PS4 game creation tool Dreams. It is without a doubt the most irritating game I've ever played. And I've been playing video games for 30 years! The only enjoyable parts are towards the end and amount to no more than a minute when we are controlling a running machine animal with cat-like agility, jumping over and shooting at obstacles while the music is pleasant for once. Those parts reminded me of the escape sequences of Ori games. As my girlfriend is also not a fan of this game, we thought about selling it, but wanted to see if maybe my daughter, who is 11, would find it interesting. She doesn't mind simple games and spent an hour yesterday with someone's Roman city builder game, which is basically a very dumbed-down version of Sim City. Then she tried out creation mode and said it was fun, so we are keeping the disc after all. :)
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